Turkey Brine
September 24, 2020 • 0 comments

Brining is the secret to a juicy, flavorful turkey. This recipe is easy to use and will deliver a juicy bird!
- (1) Medium Whole Turkey
- (2 gallons) Water
- (3 Cups) Apple Cider
- (2 Cups) Dark Brown Sugar
- (3/4 Cup) Canning Salt - no iodine
- (3 Tablespoons) Whole Peppercorns
- (5 whole) Bay Leaves
- (1 whole) Orange
- Dissolve brown sugar and canning salt in water in a 5 gallon bucket or large pot. Cut orange in half and squeeze out juice into bucket and add orange halves to bucket. Add the remainder of the items.
- Remove turkey from bag. Remove giblets and place in Ziploc bag in the refrigerator. Rinse turkey inside and out under running water. Carefully place turkey into brine mixture. Make sure liquid covers turkey. If needed you can add additional water to cover. Cover the bucket and place in the refrigerator overnight.
- Rinse turkey after removing from brine mixture before cooking.